Our Food system

We help make our food better and more sustainable. From farm, sea and producer to your table, we help ensure you get the most natural, healthy and tasty version of your food and drinks.

Farmers and food producers can become more cost effective and environment friendly by unlocking the potential of structured water.

Types of magnetic treatment

The sum of magnetic treatment solutions in agriculture and the food system is composed of five parts.

Consumption Water

Treatment of water consumed by people or animals, and treatment of water that becomes part of our food, is our main treatment solution for the food system.

During the production process of our food, magnetically treated water is also used to wash what we consume, in the field, factory floor and our kitchens.

In the context of agriculture, this includes water used within animal feed.

Production Water

Treatment of water used in the food supply chain for production of our food, is our secondary treatment solution for the food system.

Treatment of irrigation water and water used to wash animals is the primary use of magnetic water in agriculture.

Our devices are perfect for greenhouses, animal agriculture as well as any crop growing.

Treatment of water used in the production process of food, for example heating water brings additional economic effect.


Treatment of ready-made produce can even further extend produce life up to three-fold under ideal conditions.


A complementary solution to increase the effect of water treatment and further reduce the seed requirement by another 5% is to magnetically treat the seeds themselves.

Portable product

Other Treatment

Treatment of various food and drink products, for example, milk can be treated to reduce its bacteria content and orange juice to retain its flavor, is a category of its own.


How does magnetic treatment work

Below is an illustration of the basic principle of magnetic treatment (Magnitology) and forms an extremely simplified version of what happens.


Before human intervention, the planet overall had more or less a balanced magnetic field, and water had a free-flowing natural structure that is both healthy and of good quality.

As we started building and manufacturing, everything from infrastructure to vehicles, magnetic fields multiplied and today there is virtually an unlimited amount of localized imbalanced fields all around us, rendering the planets magnetic field defective.

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Water Quality

As a result of this human activity, pollution, and the fact that water undergoes massive processing being unceremoniously pushed and shoved through our public water infrastructure it has lost its natural structure and is often contaminated.

Furthermore, these molecules have bound together to form clusters which due to their size are unable to penetrate a cell of a living organism, thereby greatly reducing the supply of nutrients and the hydration effect.


Water consists of H2O molecules, which are dipoles – small magnets, which link to each other by so-called hydrogen links and thus create the physical structure of water.

Magnetic fields via the Lorenz force activate a second-order phase transition (PT2) leading to a change in all physical properties of water and its behavior as well as breaking down clusters and restoring the natural free flowing form of water.


The roots of human awareness to the importance of magnetic water in our daily lives and of the planet itself, goes deep back into ancient times.

In BC IV, Hermes stated that magnetic and light energies were the basis of physical nature of humans. Pythagoras (BC) as well as Paracels (Middle Ages) and Mesmer (18th century) all carried on research in this domain.

Our magnetic treatment products are the result of nearly half a century of research since the 1970s.

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